Tag Archives: engels

I am hell (phoenix offspring)

I am hell (phoenix offspring)

I am hell, I’m not the others, the others are hell too, I am fully aware how much hell lays within everything around me, everything burns me, my skin has grown so fragile, I hurt and burn in intolerance and vindictive thoughts at all moment. I am hell but I’m unable to find the fire that is consuming me, I’m unable to see it is rooted in me.

I’m the burning offspring of the stupid. blinded, conformist, jealous and unevolved phoenix. I despite my cast and their beliefs, I’m not like them, they are hell. You’re special, handcrafted by god himself, you’re made at his very own image, so I am GOD, i don’t need them, i don’t need their god, I am GOD and I am HELL. I am the future of evolution, what humans are meant to become.

I am unique and special, above of all cuz one thing those stupid phoenix were right about, I am better than everyone around me, they told me all the time how special and unique I was, and that’s the one truth they had to share. But I am hell and the world rejects me because I am the only one right, they’re all wrong and get blinded by envy and ignorance, they can’t see I am better, they can’t see they are hell.

I am hell.


Original ink and chracoal on regular paper

Prompt hereĀ https://inkfell.wordpress.com/2013/08/02/strife/

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